Monday, December 16, 2013

Web Design through concept of Participant Design

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

This is the assignment that Dr. affandy asked us to complete and submit before next class.
I designed a suggestion new look for the other group. A very simple and neat design; just the way I like it. =) 


Saturday, December 14, 2013

#13: 12 Disember 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

Again this week, class is with Dr. Affandy.
We were taught of Publishing Your Website.
We were exposed to free servers available on the Internet, the step-by-step to do and upload files, together with the print screens! Too much help I guess. ;)P

Said Dr., we can also use blog. It is easier, efficient, and meet our need. 

Tips on choosing a commercial web host are:
- reliability
- data transfer (traffic / bandwith)
- disk space
- technical support
- platform / os
- php, asp, cgi, mysql ftp, telnet
- SSL (secure  server)
- linux / windows / coldfusion - hosting

We were also given some example of commercial web hosting, like:
- Articulate X
- (translation, template based)

Dr. Affandy then reminded us of our task; to draw an alternative design to another group's project. He rationale us why he want the drawing badly is because of Participant Design.
Participant Design is a new wave in Interaction Design. The concept is, design must comes from the end-user. In Participant Design, user were asked how they want their website to look like, draw it on a piece of paper, and designer will try at its best to meet the user requirements.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

#12: 5 Disember 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

Today is about Dr. Dayana's evaluation.
Reminder: Class topic is Web Testing and Implementation.
The purpose of doing a testing is to find a potentially serious problem, and give programmers helpful feedback.
Class started with an acting situation by Asrul and Nadwa.
Then we discuss about informal vs formal testing. Example of informal testing is like you ask your friend to test your website.

Next, we move on to these terms:  
Content Expert /  Design Expert

Dr. told us meaning and concept of both terms, and relate it to these three types of design:

1) Interaction Design
2) Visual / Interface Design
3) Information Design

After that, we learned Type of Error. There are: 
1. Design Flaws
2. Content Errors
3. Software / System Defects

Now we know that testing has various types!

Type of Testing
1. Functionality Testing
2. Layout Testing
3. Load Testing (image is broken into smaller parts)
4. Link Testing (website on server, but still link to local)
5. Usability Testing (easy to use)

And there is also Acceptance Test
1. Alpha Testing (only used by Design Expert / Content Expert)
2. Beta Testing (User do this one)

End of Class Evaluation!

After the observers returned, Dr. Dayana lead us to discuss on assignment evaluation.
We should do four types of evaluation, each for every group member; and they are:

1) Content Expert (can ask a teacher)
2) Design Expert (can ask any Master student/lecturer)
3) Student (can ask school students)
4) Peer (can ask class member)

Lastly, soft reminder of our duty!!

1. Blog due date- 12/12
2. Web project due date- 19/12
3. Design Document -  settled
4. Evaluation Dr. Affandy,draw and upload on e-learning  
5. Evaluation report- 19/12          
6. Final Report - Final Week
    -Design Documents
    -Milestone chart
    -Print Screen
    -Role of Members
    -All activities and tasks by members
    -Comment Pengkritik - elearning

    -Case Study?

Huh! I need Oxygen!

Monday, December 2, 2013

#11: 28 November 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

We had class with our fun and energetic lecturer; Dr. Dayana today!Yeay!

Basically we held a discussion of our web-based project, precisely about last week presentation which towards the end we were told that Dr. Affandy is not happy with our progress! Oh no!
However, Dr. Dayana calmed us down by keep repeating phrases like "It's only 50%" and "Still got time maa". hehe

And then, discussion leaped to final exam questions, which is ready, only waits for its time to be distributed. Fuh~

Lastly, we were told that next week Dr. Dayana will be observed by her superior. So, we went through next week's topic; to get the idea- Web Testing and Implementation.
We listened carefully as Dr. tell us the plan of the teaching and learning, and  practice her induction set (an act)

Can't wait for next meeting!


Monday, November 18, 2013

#10: 14 November 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

Today's class was taken over by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Affandy. 
As scheduled, we need to present our 50% progress of the web-based project in class today.
So, the day started with presentations by both groups. When one group is presenting in front, the other group were asked to assess them based on interaction design, information design, and content design criteria. 
The comments should be kept awhile as a forum link will be opened by the lecturer on e-learning where students should post their comments to the group respectively. The group then need to defend themselves or agree to critiques and promise a change.

Dr. Affandy then comments both groups project. His comments touched issues of interaction design, visual design, and information design. We heard inspiring new knowledge regarding interaction design as Dr. told us how important it is; it actually the number one factor of why Samsung and hand phones' application become a madness to our social nowadays!

These keyword should be remember always and always; especially in designing a website or an application: 


P/S: My group comments by Dr. Affandy were as below:

Group 2
- has identity / consistency
- Information Design - discovery learning not strong enough
- Study more on Principles of Discovery Learning
- Visual Design OK
- Interaction Design OK- 'Explore'
- Focus on Topology - OK


Monday, November 11, 2013

#9: 7 November 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!
Notes of today!


Sunday, November 3, 2013

#8: 31 Oktober 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!
Today's topic is: Information Design.
Notes are for my future references.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

#7: 24 Oktober 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

This week, we discussed about differences between courseware and web-based application.

Courseware is educational material intended as kits for teachers or trainers or as tutorials for students, usually packaged for use with a computer. Courseware can encompass any knowledge area, but information technology subjects are most common. 
The CD-ROM is the most common means of delivering courseware that is not offered online. For teachers and trainers, courseware content may include set-up information, a course plan, teaching notes, and exercises.
Web-based is just another mean of courseware; it is ONLINE!

Courseware can be a parable of a flowchart; it has START to END. In website, there is no start nor end. You can start anywhere you want, stop wherever you like.

After that, Dr. Dayana lead the discussion to information design and learning strategy; both of which really important in our web-based project.
She exposed to us various kinds of learning strategy and how each of them functioning.
Dr. Dayana also elaborate on information design and what we should consider when making decision. All of it were taken to note.

One new vocabulary we learned today is  Authentic Learning; 
Authentic learning is real life learning. It is a style of learning that encourages students to create a tangible, useful product to be shared with their world. Once an educator provides a motivational challenge, they nurture and provide the necessary criteria, planning, timelines, resources and support to accommodate student success. The teacher becomes a guide on the side or a project manager, a facilitator not a dictator. Processes become the predominant force and the content collected is organized appropriately into portfolios.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

#6: 17 Oktober 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

For Future Reference:


Saturday, October 12, 2013

#5: 10 Oktober 2013

TOPIC: Basic Web Design

Assalamualaikum and good day people,

This week, we discussed about criteria we often look into when designing a website.
We started the class by considering the differentiation between old website and current website.

Old website
Current website
Huge banner
Simple banner
Font in big number
Font in small number (10-content, 12-heading)
Static banner
Slide banner
Many colours
White background

The discussion continues to various issues in web designing. 
Dr. Dayana told us one solution for uploading big size of graphics but with minimum page download rate.
The solution is by breaking the picture into a number of small division. This will save the download time of the huge graphics.
And then, everyone were given an assignment; to find one example of best website and one example of bad website to be presented in front of the class.

My choice for best website is this one:

My choice for worst website is this one:

Lastly, we were ask by our lecturer to post it to e-learning forum.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

#4: 3 October 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

Again friends and especially Dr. Dayana, I have to apologize for my absence this week. My son has been warded since Monday 30th September due to high fever.

Please pray for my son's recovery.. Thanks


Thursday, September 26, 2013

#3: 26 September 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

This week we ->

  • Listened to elaboration of our assignments by Dr. Dayana
  • Refresh and revised of various Instructional Design we've learned previously from other courses.
  • Were told the easy concept to understand the meaning behind these two words: Validity & Reliability.

1. Dr. Dayana again reminding us of our assignments, then gave us highlights on which part we should be doing right now.. So she went through to storyboard. Well, storyboard is a thing which i really really feel there's no need to explain..but Dr. Dayana had come out with a suggestion of how our storyboard can look like:

Web Display

-          (Tell what this page is about, and happen here, etc)
File name
Get From Flickr, etc
File Name
Voice over etc

2. Everyone were then told to get into pairs, then each pair were given one Instructional Design to study, do some slide presentation, then present it to the class. Rafidah and I were in a pair, and we got ASSURE instructional design to be presented. This activity rejuvenated our familiarity to instructional designs.. =)

3. Meaning of Validity (in simple words) : got approval from expert in that field / kesahan
    Meaning of Reliability (in simple words) : result acceptable / kebolehpercayaan

Well, that's all.. Assalamualaikum

Thursday, September 19, 2013

#2: 19 September 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people,

I am sorry to Dr. Dayana because today I could not attend the class due to a personal problem; my child is having a fever.

But I will ask some friends about what they have discussed in class today.

I end today's reflection with Assalamualaikum and good night.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

#1: 12 September 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people! So today is our very first class for this semester. Two lecturers will work hand in hand to guide us through this semester; Dr. Noraffandy Yahaya and Dr. Noor Dayana Abd Halim.

Now I'll straight away will write my reflection of the first class we had today: 

The whole time of today's class, we discussed about what we are going to go through in this course through out the semester. Basically it is about the stages of learning each week, to get to our final product which is to develop a learning course ware. Moreover, we went deep inside the grading used in this course; and it is as below:

Mostly of the marks will be on the course ware; well that means we have to find a really good topic that we can manage to complete, yet interesting enough to make us deserve high mark.

The explanation about the project and the grading took us till end of the class; not necessarily to be put here [=)]

What I would like to jot for my future reference are:

  • Find group and start discussion of the project requirement
  • Expect next lecture topic: Web Project management by Dr. Dayana
  • MOST important!: Design the group statement of the project using Prezi. The statement includes: Learning problem, Solutions to learning problem, Learning objectives, Content of the website, Target group & audience, Instructional Design Model to be used, Theory/Learning Approach to be used, Flowchart/Draft idea of the design, and References/Resources.
I end today's reflection with Assalamualaikum and good night.