Tuesday, December 10, 2013

#12: 5 Disember 2013

Assalamualaikum and good day people!

Today is about Dr. Dayana's evaluation.
Reminder: Class topic is Web Testing and Implementation.
The purpose of doing a testing is to find a potentially serious problem, and give programmers helpful feedback.
Class started with an acting situation by Asrul and Nadwa.
Then we discuss about informal vs formal testing. Example of informal testing is like you ask your friend to test your website.

Next, we move on to these terms:  
Content Expert /  Design Expert

Dr. told us meaning and concept of both terms, and relate it to these three types of design:

1) Interaction Design
2) Visual / Interface Design
3) Information Design

After that, we learned Type of Error. There are: 
1. Design Flaws
2. Content Errors
3. Software / System Defects

Now we know that testing has various types!

Type of Testing
1. Functionality Testing
2. Layout Testing
3. Load Testing (image is broken into smaller parts)
4. Link Testing (website on server, but still link to local)
5. Usability Testing (easy to use)

And there is also Acceptance Test
1. Alpha Testing (only used by Design Expert / Content Expert)
2. Beta Testing (User do this one)

End of Class Evaluation!

After the observers returned, Dr. Dayana lead us to discuss on assignment evaluation.
We should do four types of evaluation, each for every group member; and they are:

1) Content Expert (can ask a teacher)
2) Design Expert (can ask any Master student/lecturer)
3) Student (can ask school students)
4) Peer (can ask class member)

Lastly, soft reminder of our duty!!

1. Blog due date- 12/12
2. Web project due date- 19/12
3. Design Document -  settled
4. Evaluation Dr. Affandy,draw and upload on e-learning  
5. Evaluation report- 19/12          
6. Final Report - Final Week
    -Design Documents
    -Milestone chart
    -Print Screen
    -Role of Members
    -All activities and tasks by members
    -Comment Pengkritik - elearning

    -Case Study?

Huh! I need Oxygen!

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